Nancy Ann Meagher Hicks Memorial Endowed Scholarship
The Psi and Seattle Alumnae chapters have partnered together with the Hicks-Thomas family to endow the Nancy Ann Meagher Hicks Memorial Endowed Scholarship for Psi chapter. Our goal was to raise $35,000 to fund this endowment. As of Fall 2016, we have fully funded the scholarship, and hit our goal over a year early! Big thanks to the following donors, who contributed to the scholarship fund:
Abigail Johanna Asplund- Psi
Alyson Cook Stage- Beta Psi
Alyssa Sevy- Kappa Phi
Betty Ellis Winter- Psi
Brenda Kay Asplund- Delta Theta
Carol Atherton Phelan- Psi
Deborah Huygen Ward- Psi
Denise Reilly Mannery- Psi
Diana Schaeffer Quist- Psi
Diane Ringman Antila- Psi
Donna J Sunkel- Alpha Kappa
Dottie Nelson Kiehle- Psi
Eleanor Marino Ross- Psi
Frances Mallery Ross- Psi
Hannah Joy Moylan- Psi
Jaime Elduen Keith- Psi
Janine Marie Denney-Mazzilli- Psi
Jennifer Diane Waters- Psi
Jill Naas-Blackburn- Psi
Jordan Elizabeth Johnson- Psi
Julia Greek Prosser- Psi
Karen Skeisvold Francisco- Psi
Karla Lundgren Wheeler- Psi
Katelyn Elizabeth Mellinger- Psi
Kathlyn Browne Lougheed- Psi
Katy Fluhr Carlsward- Gamma Beta
Kaye Nelson Duncan- Psi
Kelly Willer Hamilton- Beta Iota
Kim A Reed- Psi
Kori Sosnowy Voorhees- Psi
Laurie Lavering Thiel- Psi
Linda Rhodes Coyle- Zeta Xi
Lindsay Marie Ulbrickson- Psi
Lisa Lindstrom- Psi
Lois Wilson Constantine- Psi
Lucy Brown Kanikeberg- Psi
Mardee Coyle Austin- Zeta Xi
Marilyn L Johnson- Psi
Marilyn Woodmark Hanson- Psi
Marion Woldendorp- Psi
Mary Hobbis Schubert- Alpha Theta
Maryellen Lees Young- Psi
Mia Raquel Fischer- Psi
Molly Nichols Barry- Psi
Molly Stephins Bonthuis- Psi
Nancy Helen Thomas- Psi
Neda Jahanbani- Psi
Paula Charuhas Macris- Psi
Pilar Arianna Letrondo- Psi
Rebecca Ryanne Fox- Psi
Ruby Johnson Hoon- Psi
Sarah Lundsgaard Simson- Psi
Sarah Ruhwedel Porter- Psi
Shari Storm Drummond- Psi
Shirley Thompson Richardson- Psi
Sini Rebane Fernandez- Beta Epsilon
Sunny Hart Spencer- Psi
Suzanne M. Kropf- Psi
Whitney Nicole Engel- Kappa Upsilon