
Jennifer Dennis


Hi Everyone! My name is Jen Dennis and I am an Omicron (Brenau University) alumna. I was a dance major in college, but had to have surgery which led me to a career as a Medical Assistant in Orthopaedics. I moved here from Georgia a little over a year ago and love it! Although this is the first office I have held, I have always been active within Zeta. Being a Zeta and meeting other sisters here has helped make the transition easier. My husband and I have 2 daughters. In my free time, I love to travel, dance, bake and explore the PNW.

Shana Cramer

Vice President I - Programming

Hello! My name is Shana and I was a founding member of Kappa Mu chapter at Linfield College. It was an amazing experience to be able to colonize that chapter my freshman year of college. While there I served as Treasurer my freshman and sophomore years and also served as Points Chair between my terms studying abroad. My job with Nordstrom after college eventually moved me from Portland to Honolulu to San Francisco and finally back to the Northwest to Seattle, relying on meeting Zetas through alumnae chapters along the way. I now work in the buying office for Nordstrom and plan to stay in Seattle! I previously served as your VPI-Programming and currently run the Active Zetas Crown Connection Group. In my free time I love shopping, reading, watching too much TV, hot yoga and spending time with my two adorable cats.

Allyssa Friedman

Vice President II - Membership

Katy Carlsward

Vice President III - Service

Hi! My name is Katy and I am a Gamma Beta (Washington College) alumna. My husband is in the Navy, and we have two sons - one human, and one four-legged. In addition to serving as VPIII-Service for Seattle, I am Chairman of the Chapter Financial Management Committee. Other ZTA roles I have filled as an alumna include: Secretary-Treasurer, Ritual Advisor, and Panhellenic Delegate. I work from home doing administrative work for a financial certification organization, and in my free time I love traveling with my family, reading, and volunteering at my son's school and in the community.

Jennifer Waters


My name is Jen Waters and this is my 7th year as Seattle’s SecretaryTreasurer. I am also a Psi (‘96) alumna, and was Seattle Alumnae President (2012-14), although I’ve found my calling as Secretary-Treasurer! I am also Psi’s PC Advisor. I work in finance for a technology company, and in my free time, love to travel, volunteer and make/send cards.

Mardee Austin


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